Clients often have relatively the same questions when it comes to their upcoming boudoir sessions. It is important that all clients know what to expect and are fully informed of what it's going to be like on the day of your shoot. Compiled here are some of the main things to remember before your boudoir session.
Feeling Nervous About Your Boudoir Session?
First and foremost, it is completely normal to feel a little uneasy going into your boudoir session, especially if it's your first time. However, boudoir sessions are supposed to be a fun and care-free experience for everyone involved, and I strive to make sure all my boudoir clients feel as comfortable as possible. These sessions are all about self-confidence and loving yourself, there is no reason to feel nervous or scared! It is just me and you and the camera, besides anyone else you decide to invite.
Sometimes a familiar face can help you feel more at ease, Feel free to bring someone along including, friends, family members, or your significant other. You can even bring some champagne to celebrate or take a shot beforehand to calm the nerves. Whatever you need to ensure an enjoyable experience. Remember this is supposed to be a good time!
Also, remember that the digital copies of your photos can be downloaded straight to your own computer. Any prints can be ordered through me so you don't have to go through CVS or Walgreens and have strangers viewing your intimate photos. When printing through me no else is viewing your photos besides me. I also never post boudoir photos on any social media and only post them to my website with your permission.
If you do decide to print your photos keep in mind that the Little Black Book is available to add on to any boudoir session. The book is an album of your favorite images from the session, which can be the perfect gift or just a great way to encapsulate some great memories!
Preparing Yourself for Your Boudoir Session
When preparing for your session, it is good to keep in mind that boudoir photos often require intricate posing for extended periods of time. That being said, don't be surprised if you wake up a little sore the next day. The sessions can be a workout for your lower back especially. Maybe skip the gym that day so you're not too worn out.
What to Wear to Your Boudoir Session
A lot of the questions people have regard outfits and clothing choices for the photoshoot. Although there are some select outfits at the studio for clients to choose from for their boudoir sessions, it's recommended you bring your own to ensure you're comfortable with what you're wearing. That being said, you don't have to just wear lingerie, a black t-shirt and black bootie shorts can make a simple yet sexy look as well. Wearing jewelry and/or shoes is up to you. It all depends on your personality and if you want a more elegant look or a more simple look. The overall goal of every boudoir shoot is to be you and love yourself!
Furthermore, I often ask clients if their significant other has a favorite button down that they
can wear in their pictures. When gifting a special someone these pictures it's great to include something that they are familiar with. This can also include their interests, meaning favorite sports team, favorite movie, or even their profession. Some of your photos can even work as a gag gift. For example, I have had a client wear a dinosaur suit for part of their session. Essentially, we can make anything sexy. Being able to include these elements into your photos is just as fun for me as it is for you!
Hopefully these simple tips and reminders help you as you prepare for your boudoir session. But, more than anything remember to have fun with it! It's never as scary as it seems and boudoir shoots are great way to show some love to yourself or to someone else.