We have been doing weddings for years here at Luz Photography. After hundreds of weddings we have seen it all and our experiences have allowed us to compile a list of dos and don'ts for your wedding day that we feel make the day run smoother for everyone! Although these things may be unpopular and untraditional, we have found this is the best way to take on your big day. Don't get me wrong this day is all about you, but the opinions of your photographers matter!

Eating Times
It is extremely important to feed your vendors, but it is just as important to feed your vendors at the right time. We have found that it works out best for all of us if vendors are fed at the same time as the bride and groom. When we are fed at a completely different time we end up sitting there just watching the bride, groom, and guests eat. Then later on, when we are eating, we are missing out on valuable pictures or we are being taken away from eating to capture moments. We understand why you may think vendors should be fed last however, it is important to remember that us vendors have been with the bride and groom all day. By the time we are fed I am close to fainting after being on my feet all day. Wedding venues should remember that the vendors are their customers too and we will not hesitate to tell any potential clients how good or bad we've been treated in the past.
Cake Cutting
As photographers, we love informal cake cutting. This means you don't have to announce that you're cutting the cake for everyone to gather and watch. It is way more intimate between the bride and groom and creates more intimate photos. Whenever you're ready to cut the cake, let us know, and we can just sneak off and do it on our own.

Unplugged Weddings
"Unplugged weddings" seemed to be a trend that has come and gone. We are here to say that we love this trend and think it should continue. However, if you do decide to do this, instead of having a sign that says it's an unplugged wedding, have the justice of the peace announce that you have requested for everyone to put their phones away. If you would like you can have him say you can take your phones out for a brief moment to take some photos, and then after that they need to put them away.
It's Your Day!
As your special day commences, please don't forget that this is your wedding day and you don't have to listen to anybody! Don't let anyone tell you how to do your wedding correctly or differently. You just need to do you! If you want to go the more traditional route, do it! If you're feeling more untraditional, embrace it! This means if you want to dance with your mom during the first dance then you should. If you want to switch it up and have a man of honor and a best woman then you should. Do whatever YOU want.